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The Harmony Springs Gives Voice Podcast
is produced by Harmony Springs Christian Church, a place where we do church differently with a broad and inclusive definition of community. We think that church is best when we are united in love but not uniform in belief. We embrace diversity and authenticity while aspiring to welcome and affirm everyone. 
The Harmony Springs Gives Voice podcast brings to the forefront marginalized voices that find themselves suppressed or not heard. We talk about life and faith, racism, food insecurity, and the elderly and so much more. Harmony Springs Gives Voice works to amplify voices already speaking and tell stories already being told without co-opting those stories as our own. We invite guest speakers to share their stories to empower those voices. We support a culture where those stories can be heard and honored in anticipation of cultural awareness and change. 

Harmony Springs Church received innovation grant funding to start this podcast project from

Leadership Education at Duke Divinity


Leadership Education aims to create lasting change in U.S. congregations by supporting Christian leaders and the institutions they serve. They design educational services, develop intellectual resources, and facilitate networks of institutions that cultivate a coherent vision of Christian institutional leadership and form Christian leaders. Leadership Education is a non-degree-granting initiative of Duke Divinity School funded by Lilly Endowment Inc. and based in Durham, N.C. 

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